Thursday, March 1, 2018

Farm Thursday: Signs of Early Spring on The Farm

Spring has come early on the farm. We are already seeing the yellow and white blooms of flowers and trees. We've been walking around and making plans on where everything will be planted in the next few months. This is still the fun stage. We look forward to it now even though by August we will be fighting over who has to do which outdoor chores. But we won't worry about that yet, Spring is a season of looking forward to the growing season. Abby kitty is looking forward in the picture above. Okay, she's probably looking forward to the bird chasing. I don't like it, but she is a wild animal who lives with us. 

I know I'm looking forward to blackberry season. this is a picture of a bird nest in one of our blackberry bushes. Every time we picked off this bush there was a strange hissing/clicking. We couldn't tell who was making it but we knew it was a warning to back off. Now we know why. I'm glad it wasn't the three foot cicada I was picturing in my mind. 

This picture was taken last week and today the blooms are so thick you can barely see through the tree at all. 

And then the sad picture. If you haven't heard the story, our very first round of trees all perished to the hands of unseasonably warm fall weather and a drought in 2016. The following spring we planted 500 more and at least 400 of those are still alive. The ones in the picture were planted fall of 2017. They were pretty and green until that week of ten degree temperatures in January. We're hoping a few of these will make it, but it's not looking good. From the stories we've heard from other farmers, it seems this is just something a lot of us go through and it's not uncommon to lose most or all of your trees the first few tries. And if Jamie and I are anything we are go getters, to the extent that we are naive about it. So don't worry, we aren't giving up! 

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